
Disney Pixar: Ratatouille In Concert by Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra

12 March 2016, we went to Petronas Twin Towers,KLCC for the concert ❤️
It was my first time ever to the orchestra concert.
We went to buy the tickets a month earlier but there were only a few seats left 😱 Thus it was very lucky of us to get to grab our tickets!

*discounts are available for local audiences
*and of course students can purchase tickets with student price at only RM40 each, but seat chosen can only be at the front row 😅

The view from Row K😅
The concert and conductor were sooooo amazing!😍
We were shocked that the concert was carried out with the movie being screened at the same time, but without soundtracks. Well, there are few contradiction part that makes me feel frustrated 😅
At first, I felt dissapointed that they scened the movie at the same time as it took away the chance of mine to explore in my imagination throughout the concert 🤔 but it might be good for people who is not so familiar with every details of the movie, unlike I do ( a super fans 😳)
However by looking on the other side, the movie actually enhanced the concert and made it much more interesting.

The conductor, Gerard Salonga literally enjoyed the rhythm and the music, he even danced while directing 😂. The most astonishing part was that he got to keep track with the movie and accomplished every beats of the rhythm, on the exact timing! Moreover, all the musicians did played very well! Everyone had played the instruments with feelings. (The Violinist looked like he was sawing his violin during the most exciting part of the movie! HAHAHA)
Overall, I love the concert!! ❤️❤️

Lastly, these are my comments about this concert. Tho my comments might not be professional as this is the first time ever I went to a concert and I have never been taking up any music instruments nor any music background 😂


如何快速消除打嗝 Fastest way to stop Hiccups

屡试不爽🤓  你们的谢谢我收到了哈哈哈

Its actually very simple😏
Gulp 10times of water- its not about the volume and temperature and type of the liquid. Its you need to swallow😅gulp for 10times. 
After that, hiccups will stop immediately 😌
It works everytime hehe. 



其实从电影海报来看就已经看出很多可爱的小细节了🤓 拿着星巴克的长颈鹿,小小的车子在路上行驶着,各种不同穿着显现着不同身份的动物. 这些细节就让人期待这部电影了好吗哈哈.

这部电影是讲述在很多很多年以后所有动物都进步了.动物以前的野性,残暴的行为都慢慢的消失了.大家生活在一个的叫Zootopia的地方.这个地方是一个每个动物都抱着想要完成自己的希望的地方.就好比小小只的兔子想要当警察,小狐狸长大后的梦想是要成为大象哈哈 故事里面女主角是兔子  男主角是一只狐狸  兔子和狐狸能和平相处吗?  再看下去就真的要透剧了哦  到时别怪我哦 

电影一开始到结束我都像是小孩子那样观看!完全就是在哇哇哇好美啊好可爱啊完全目不转睛的在看每个地方的每个细节😝 兔子的生活环境都有很多很可爱的萝卜标志吊饰:有萝卜笔,Iphone的标志是被咬了一口的萝卜,萝卜钥匙圈


好啦好啦其实这部电影它带出来的讯息是很直接的(不像inside out,我比较肤浅看一次看不懂真正的意思哈哈)


迪士尼真的很令人钦佩😊  里面的每一个动物的每个动作表情说话的语气样子都栩栩如生,让你可以感觉出他们是人类会是什么样子.我觉得男主角如过是真人一定是坏坏那种pattern然后帅帅的哈哈哈.他里面那种狡猾耍小坏的样子太酷了哈哈.  不止这样,有一幕女主角哭了,我也跟着哭了哈哈,她哽咽着道歉,忍着不让自己眼泪流出来,完全就是演技精湛呀!

