This is a unprofessional travel post. This post does not have much travel tips because I traveled with travel agency. But I will let you all know more about the feelings when you at that specific tourist spots.
4:已经去过其他国家了然后还没有来过越南的人 XD
5.喜欢尝试新鲜事 (我属于这类人)
在越南旅行真的很便宜, 越南的历史古迹和文化都蛮让我大开眼界的. 而且传统服装很漂亮!尤其是女生穿的, 很显身材!就是胸大腰细...... XD 然后你随随便便进一间咖啡店的咖啡都超好喝!连我这种平时不点咖啡来喝的人都觉得好喝. 为什么我会推荐给已经去过其他国家了然后还没有来过越南的人呢,那是因为,其他国家真的比较好玩.... opps, 例如泰国,泰国真的很好买很好吃! 但是至少去了越南不会后悔,是一种蛮特别的体验!
为什么会这样说呢, 由于是发展中的国家,所以会比较肮脏,比较没有那么先进,尤其你走在街边小路真的不属于干净哦,还会有蟑螂路过呢. 然后在越南会有沟通障碍!因为他们的英文水准真的很低,如果你不是在市区的市场逛街,卖家连基本的英文1234或者谢谢都不会听!怕危险的人我指的是因为越南的交通你真的会傻眼!因为他们的驾车技术超强!乱中有序这个成语就是在指越南的交通!基本上你是休想走在店铺前面的人行道,因为真的很大可能会被撞........opps.越南很少车辆,全部都是滑行车, 一是因为方便,二是因为便宜,三是因为你有车你都没有位泊车. 在越南有钱人也是骑滑行车的哦~
Vietnam is a developing country, they are constructing their first MRT in this year. Buildings and culture in Vietnam are special because they have been ruled by France and China.
Travel to Vietnam, I will suggest to people :
1. With limited budget
2. Interested in history
3. Like to drink coffee
4. Have been traveled to a lot of countries.
5. Like to try new things ( I belong to this category)
Travel in Vietnam really very cheap! And Vietnam history and culture will definitely widen your field of vision! Their traditional clothing are very pretty, especially for women! The clothes are figure flattering. It exaggerates waist and enlarges bosom. oppsss hehe XD. You can even taste a cup of good coffee in any coffee shops in Vietnam ( I did not bluff you ). Why I recommend Vietnam to people who have been traveled to a lot of countries, this is because.... Vietnam is not that interesting.... Oppss... For example, Thailand is far more better than Vietnam, no matter in food or shopping. However, you will not regret travel to Vietnam as you can gain a special experience throughout the trip! :-D
Travel to Vietnam, I will not suggest to people:
1. Not used to dirty or untidy places
2. Don't like to deal with trouble matters
3. Afraid of dangerous activities
4. First time traveller
Reasons: Vietnam is a developing country, so its unavoidable that the place is dirty, everything is not that advanced. You may find out cockroach pass by you at the street.
Besides that, you will also have problem in communicating. Cause their English educating are very low. Most of them don't know the basic English like 1234, or even thank you!
For people who afraid of dangerous activities, its because of the traffic in Vietnam ! You will stunned by their expert driving skills! Order within chaos can be used in this situation. Basically you can't even walk on the street in front of the shop, you will have high probability been knock down by the scooter....opps...
Most of the Vietnamese travel by scooter, I mean the percentage will be 90% of them travel with scooter and 10% travel with car, maybe? This is because scooters are cheap, convenience and there are no parking for the cars... So rich people in Vietnam also travel with scooter.
第一个景点:西貢聖母大教堂Nhà thờ Đức Bà Sài Gòn(又名紅教堂)
erm... 这个地方就是在外面拍照.....介绍完毕....... XD
1st Spot : Saigon Notre-Dame Basilicaermm...
This place is just for photo taking.... thats all......XD
第二个景点: 西贡中心邮政局
*感觉上越南的麦当劳不是很火,肯德基会更受欢迎,所以去越南旅游的人也能去那里的麦当劳买玩具XD 不用排队而且一定有货哈哈
2nd Spot: Saigon Central Post Office
Its just beside the church above. Its pretty.
Actually there are a lot of local people will sell some souvenirs outside these two spots, such as 3D Card, Key Chain, tricycle knickknacks.
*I feel like Mcdonald are not that popular than KFC in Vietnam. So to someone who are planning to Vietnam, you can buy the happy meal toys there. Definitely have stocks and no need to queue up the long lines XD
我觉得必去的是这里!而且也是我觉得最好玩的地方 lol
由于越南战争是在1955年-1975年, 距离现在才少过50年历史!所以他们还保存了当时的武器
建议服装:不怕弄脏的服饰(因为如果你想要尝试像我弟弟那样钻进地洞藏着哈哈),好走的鞋子(因为是在山坡), 总结运动穿搭最适合,长短裤看个人!
里面的各种陷阱真的让我看了惊心胆跳! 当时那个时候真的不是你死就是我亡, 感恩我现在活在和平的时代. <3
我爸爸还开了黑色玩笑:他说如果美国人来到这里的时候....看着那些陷阱...他们会说我的爸爸就是死在这里....... =.=
接下来呢会到一区就是给你试开真枪的地方, 接近那区的时候会一直被枪声吓到!因为真的很很很大声! 我和我弟弟用的枪是AK47,十粒子弹差不多Rm100! 如果去到那里心里蠢蠢欲动但是觉得太贵/不值得的话.......真的就不要试了XD哈哈哈.
这个地洞分成两个程度!第一个是你要弯腰脚蹲一点走完,第二个是完全就是蹲着走的! 我只走了一个!脚就超级超级痠了!
因为进去里面是暗暗的虽然有小橙灯但有些路还是看不清前面的,然后不是很通风,虽然有几个地方设有小风扇! 但是在里面我就会想如果我晕倒或者卡着了别人要怎样进来救我!太恐怖了! (因为我太蠢背着书包就进去了哈哈)
但是出来了真的会觉得很好玩,阳光普照,我重生了!XD 感觉像是玩完鬼屋加过山车...嗯这个比喻太夸张了...XD
3rd Spot: Cu Ci Tunnels
This is the must go tourist spot! And this is the most interesting place that I feel lol
During the U.S.-Vietnam War, Cu Ci Tunnels had played an extremely important role. With a massive routes of 200 kilometers underneath, it provided communications and electric lines, hospitals, dormitories, etc. When you entered the tunnel, you can feel how Vietnamese army lifes when they live here and fight the U.S. military, you will understand why Vietnam can win this the war. These made the legend in 20th century!
Due to the war is from 1955-1975, just less than 50 years history from today, so they still keep the weapons that used at the war.
You can spend 3-4 hours here, and make sure that you hire a tour guide so that you will get to know all the history more thoroughly!
The various traps introduction made my flesh crawls! I feel grateful that I live in this peaceful world. <3
My dad even crack some dark humor : He said that if American come.... when they see the traps..... they may say that : my dad died in here...... (ok no offence)
After that, you will come to a place that let you try out the real gun. The volley of shots may scare you as its really loud! My brother and I used AK47, 10 bullets cost us approximately Rm100! If you have the temptation to try it out but you feel that it is expensive and not worthy...... then.... just don't play it.... XD
Because when I got inside, I really don't know wth am I shooting! XD You can't see the target and your bullet at all! And then you just going to shock by the shots! haha. Actually its the soldier help you to reload, to hold the gun, and your job just to pull the trigger and get shock! XD
But you can smell the gunpowder in the air, its a bit scary as I really can't imagine how people stay at the battlefield!
The last part is the tunnels! People who like exciting and adventurous activities should go inside!
There are two kind of tunnels. First is you have to bend your waist and a little bit at your knee. While the second one is you have to squat walking. I just finish the first tunnel and my legs are so sore!
People who have heart disease, high blood pressure and claustrophobia are not recommend to go in. Even a healthy people will also feel uncomfortable in that situation.
As when you go inside it is dark, although there are few small lights but you still can't see clearly. Its stuffy and without ventilation except a specific spots there have small fan!
But when I got inside, Im thinking that if I pass out or stuck inside, how others come in to save me!? (as Im so stupid go inside with my backpack)
But you will feel satisfied and funny when you get out from the tunnels. The sunlight shines on the world, and I am alive! that kind of feelings... XD
Its like the combination of haunted house and roller coaster... erm... this is a little bit exaggerate.. XD
其实去到那里我已经很累很渴了...然后我一去到就先去博物馆内的咖啡店喝茶XD 然后最后也没有看到博物馆里面长的怎样......是不是超不专业的?哈哈哈
4th Spot: War Remnant Museum
Actually when I reached there I am already very tired and thirsty.... So I just go to the coffee shop in the museum... and I don't even go inside to the museum to see what its look like..... So unprofesional right?haha
But the beverage and the dessert in the coffee shop are so good and worthy!
在坐船前会经过一排店铺,有卖很多高仿的名牌包包,帽子之类的! 看了真的很心动!因为质感太好了而且价钱也不会太贵!
总结湄公河游就是你可以看看别人的攻略.... XD 这里真的没什么好讲,影片就看得到了哈哈. 就是进去喝蜜糖吃热带水果听听美女唱歌,坐坐小船吹吹风. 完.
5th Spot: Mekong River Tour
Before you get into the boat, there are a row of stalls selling high imitation bags, hats etc!
I conclude Mekong River tour is.... you can look at others travel tips....XD There is nothing to say at here XD you can watch it in my video haha. Just go in and drink some honey, eat some tropical fruits, listen to the pretty singing different songs. The End.....
第六个景点: 卧佛寺
还有记得别穿太短哦!如果穿太短的话就拿围巾包着吧~ 这个是一种尊敬哦
6th Spot: Buddhist Temple
Its quite pretty inside, and just few meter away from the Mekong River pier, just go in to take some photos.
And remember don't wear too short! As this is a respect. You can cover your legs by a scarf~
第七个景点: Ben Thannh 市集
我在这里买了很多质量超好的运动服装! 好像Adidas, Nike 这类的. 因为我听我朋友说越南很多工厂是帮名牌生产运动服装的,所以有制造出多的服装的话他们会拿出去便宜卖!
我买了很多件,平均每一件被我杀价成RM47, 因为我觉得是正版的所以值得了XD
要注意的东西就是! 来到这里先youtube or google学一下如何杀价XD
因为卖家会至少标价提高五倍, 就是例如对方开价RM10,你可以杀价到RM2看你的脸皮厚度.... XD 我的脸皮还不够厚,所以RM120的运动衣我杀价到RM50就心满意足了哈哈(而且还是在买很多件的份上才好意思鼓起脸皮XD)
7th Spot: Ben Thannh Market
This market selling everything! From children to adult's clothing to any kind of bags, to accessories and different knickknacks to delicatessen and dry food!
You should bring a lot of cash here as they do not accept credit card
I bought a lot of good quality sportswear! Like Adidas, Nike etc. Because one of my friends told me that Vietnam have a lot of factories help the brand to produce the sportswear, so if there are extra clothing, they will sell it at the market cheaply!
I bought a lot, average each cost Rm47, because I think that they are genuine then I should be worth XD
Important thing! You should search on Google or Youtube to learn how to bargain XD
Because the seller will mark up the price about 5 times. For example: If the seller state a price of Rm10, you can bargain to Rm2 depends on your cheekiness XD
My face are not so think, so a piece of shirt cost Rm120, Im satisfied when bargain until Rm50 haha. (In condition that I already buy a lot of sportswear with that specific seller XD)
You can also compare the prices at different stalls before you buy.
Kindly Reminder: Behind an able man there are always other able men, the sellers all have profound skills!
第八个景点: Tau Sai Gon 坐船吃晚餐
因为我们吃完了船才开....开船来回需要1小时,我们吃的时候也用了1小时....所以就是两小时在上面, 但是会有唱歌和跳舞表演, 适合4,50岁以上的大哥大姐们听... XD
8th Spot: Tau Sai Gon having dinner on the ship
Actually I feel like this spot is not essential to go... depends on your time..
The ship set sails after we finish our dinner.. So the tour is 1 hour, and we have our dinner about 1 hour too... But on the ship there have some performances, like dancing and singing, and it suits people ages 4-50 and above.. XD
住宿:Saigon Airport Hotel (三星级)
这间旅馆靠近机场, 附近也有早市(可以问当地人), 旅馆左边有一间Aeon旗下的便利商店叫做Mini Stop. 旅馆也算是干净舒服的所以推荐! 然后也有早餐吃放心哈哈
有些地方(旅馆附近的便利店和早市)我去并没有携带相机和背包,因为路真的很小而且太多滑行车了!为了自身财物安全起见我就被逼把它们留在房间了 T.T
Accommodation: Saigon Airport Hotel (Three Stars)
This hotel is close to the airport, and there are morning market nearby ( you can ask the local), a Aeon based convenience stall called Mini Stop at the left of the hotel.
The hotel is clean and comfy, it also provides breakfast, so I recommend this hotel!
Some places like the convenience stall and the morning market, I didn't bring my camera and bag along. As the roads are narrow and too many scooter!
After a wash at the hair salon near my hotel
Mini Stop 食物篇heheMini Stop Food hehe
龙虾口味薯片: 好吃!
Lobster flavor Chips: Delicious!
Ice Cream Mochi- Super Duper Nice! RECOMMEND!
Its taste better when you eat after you put it at room temperature about 5-10 minutes
这个牌子的牛奶和优格都很好吃! 推荐给喜欢奶味的人
The milk and yogurt of this brand are nice!
Tomato flavor instant noodles that I randomly picked - It tastes awful.... I don't know wth that I ate...
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