
My October Favorite Songs - Jain's

My October favorite songs are all from Jain !!

So have a quick introduction about Jain
-French singer-songwriter-Genre: Pop music-Her debut album, Zanaka, was released in November 2015-http://www.jain-music.com/en/So how I knew Jain. Its from the Levis advertisement that show on TGV cinema!
Levis PR you did it nice job haha


I like her music video a lot! Its very creative and interesting for me.



and three other songs without music video 

Lil Mama


Mr Johnson

As I have never been listen to any Jain's songs in Malaysia broadcasting station.
But I hope you guys enjoy these songs and get know about Jain. 
Trust me, I have good taste in music too *blush**smirk*